Game Drive at Kyle Recreational Park

Staying at Genlivet hotel gives you a chance to visit the nearby game park which is just a half an hour drive to reach. Kyle Recreatonal Park is rich in wildlife, including three of the Big Five; White Rhino, Buffalo and Leopard. The park is scenically one of the most attractive parks in the Country, its major attractions being a thriving white rhino population. The absence of predators and elephants allows for an environment of undisturbed trees and a flourishing game population. Kyle Recreational Park lies on the eastern edge of the Highveld and is susceptible to varied climatic conditions. Although usually hot, Kyle is subject to heavy mist “guti” due to the proximity of the lake, and it can be quite cold. This guided tour will cost you $25 including transport from Glenlivet hotel.


Mountain Climbing

We prove you with all safety gear


Mountain Biking

We provide you with bycicles and helmets

Mountain Climbing

This is a must do activity, climb the Glenlivet mountain and get a spectacular view of the Lake Mutirikwi and the Beza Mountain Range. Join and complete the challenge #iclimbedtheGlenlivetmount, this activity costs $5. Accessories for the challenge (golf t-shirts , cups, caps ,hats available at affordable prices)

Mountain Biking

Enjoy our mountain bike trails at the heart of the Beza mountain range, with not only the fantastic flowing nature track trail but spectacular scenery and stunning views of the Lake Mutirikwi and the Beza mountain range. Our family-friendly trails include a dusty biking road which is a great introduction to cross country riding, while the Beza mountain trail provides challenges for the experienced. This activity costs $5


Pokoteke Gorge Viewing


Pokoteke Day Trip

Pokoteke Day Trip

Get a breathtaking taking chance to see the big and delicately balanced granite boulders on either side of the Gorge. From the words one visitor Jamwanda, mentioned on his twitter handle “ one prayerfully hope that nothing upsets the Maker while the tour lasts!”

The Pokoteke Gorge lies to the north of Lake Mutirikwi (Kyle) and is formed where the Pokoteke River cuts though the Beza Range of hills on the northern side of the Lake. The Glenlivet hotel provides a guided tour and transport to the Gorge. This activity will take 3 hours.

Mutirikwi Dam

Lake Mutirikwi is the largest inland man-made lake in Zimbabwe with a wide variety of fish; about 21 species. The lakeshore has plenty of lay-bys to park and enjoy the scenery of granite hills, miombo woodlands and rural life. It is situated 20 km from Glenlivet hotel and also closer to the Great Zimbabwe ruins, a world heritage site, and some forest lie on the south side and at the dam wall there are dramatic views up the length of Lake Mutirikwi from the heights of St Andrew’s Chapel. This guided tour will cost $5 (locals)

Chamavara Caves

The “huge human figure” which dominates the paintings is unique in Zimbabwe rock art. The site is also interesting, along with Dengeni Cave in the Zaka area and Rumwandi Rock Shelter (formerly called Impey’s Cave) as they were intensively studied by Leo Frobenius and Henri Breuil, both pioneers of rock art research in Southern Africa. The Chamavara caves are 15 km from the lodge and this guided tour is $10(locals)


Mutirikwi Dam

Lake Mutirikwi


Chamavara Caves

Rock Paintings

Tour of the Great Zimbabwe Ruins

This is finally the major activity you have all been waiting to do, Tour of the Great Zimbabwe Monuments. Great Zimbabwe is a ruined city in the south-eastern hills of Zimbabwe near Lake Mutirikwiand the town of Masvingo. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe during the country's Late Iron Age. Construction on the city began in the 11th century and continued until it was abandoned in the 15th century. The Monuments are an hour’s drive from the lodge and this will cost you $15 for a guided tour and transport to the Great Zimbabwe Monuments from Glenlivet hotel.